[Error 503] Roast cannot be found.

Heyy it's Blackrose (Eli) if you remember me... Wanna read my message?

Heyo Benji! Long time no see ^^... I didn't manage to get up earlier to watch Arirang Radio, so I haven't watched it in a few months. :( Although you probably forgot who I am and I'm not really active in the potato clown gc as well, I still think about you, MA Fam and MA Notes a lot and feel like it's a save place and I can come there whenever I feel the need to talk to someone. I want you to know, that even though I'm not actively supporting you, I still listen to your music a lot and you never fail to make me feel better. I hope you only have good moments in 2020, because you deserve nothing but the best. There's not much more to say, besides that I really miss your positive energy in the mornings and can't wait until the next time change.
Thank you for everything, I will always support you!

Well I can't really roast you since I'm not up to date with the insiders ... Would be great if you came to Vienna, Austria one day, I swear it's nice here :D

Hello Benji Bear! I am Abir. Open the damn file 👉👈

Hello benji bear, It's me your loyal stan Abir, i am supposed to write a message for you but i am really bad at expressing my feelings so .... I ll just say my thoughts randomly, It's been a almost a year since i got to know you, 2019 was the most beautiful year of my life all thanks to you,... you may thinks it's stupid but waking up to your voice and starting the day with your jokes advices giggles your usual self never fails to lift my spirit up, Your voice is like a cure it makes me forget all my pain and bad thoughts, the only thing that keeps me together is knowing that you are there, for us, the same way we are here for you, you said our msgs are important to you , but never forget , that you are my dear reason of hour happiness too,
Honestly i can't remember my life before you and can't imagine how it would be without you . I always wanted you to know how much i love you all of you even your flaws, the way your eyes turn to Cresent when you smile , when you dimples shows, the way you get shy when u are asked to do aegyu and say you hate it, the way you give attention to the smallest details, how u always making sure to read the msgs even if you are running out of time and end up running out of breath, ... You always try to cheer us up but never forget you can come one day you don't need to smile or act happy just be yourself and know you can my friend lean on us, and call us your freinds Before your fans I love you , i really do, not a romantic love or a fan's love, just call it a pure love, and if there is something i am sure about now is that you my love are the most important person in my entire life , i wish u were here so i could squeeze u and give u the warmest hug ever cause you deserve the world.

This is supposed to be a dissing msg but i never wrote one before so i ll just some say things that drive me mad. First that stupid cab or hat of yours that you wear everyday i understand your sense of fashion and it looks Amazing on you but i really would like to ask u to show us more of your hair you are so beautiful ether ways tbh. Second as a benji stan myself i would like to ask for a dimple selfie or a close up vd on behalf of my other benji stans bffs , don't you understand we are dying here to get a glimpse of your cute Dimples have mercy on us , i have Been asking for this for that last months :'( And don't get me wrong i love everything u do and i never want to force you of anything i just want my bias to interact with us more please if it is possible it will mean the world to me peace out benji boo have a wonderful day we love you.

Hey Benji~ As you can see, all of us care about you a lot and merely wish the best for you. We mean no harm and only want to support you to the best of our ability. We hope you'll lean on us the way we lean on you. We know we may only be fans and that we don't know you as much as others but this... relationship? means a lot to us! We love you, Benji! We hope 2020 will be a great year for you as may the years after that.